


Around 1996, an email from appeared, warning about the 809 and other Caribbean area codes scams, and this (legitimate) warning began to make the rounds of forwarded emails. As usual with such forwards, people have modified it from its original form to make it appear more urgent. Untruths and exaggerations in the resulting hoax email warning now include the following:


Web Site
Scambusters - Phone / Dominican - Find a Phone in Dominican Republic
Scambusters - Phone / Dominican - Find a Phone in Dominican Republic
Scambusters Dominican
Scambusters 2024
Tech Expert & Scam-Busters Weigh in On Fatal Ohio Shooting, Offer Advice TMZ
Watch: Anatomy of a scam - why it's called phishing New Zealand Herald
Scambusters: The scammers, police and the hunt for invisible criminals New Zealand Herald
Live 5 Scambusters: Recognizing a car wrap scam Live 5 News WCSC