


Indotel / Dominican - Phones in Dominican Republic - Dominican Telecommunications Institute (Indotel)
Indotel  - Indotel / Dominican - Phones in Dominican Republic . - Dominican Telecommunications Institute (Indotel) Is the Telecom Regulator in Dominican Republic
INDOTEL - Dominican Telecommunications Institute - Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones - Address: Av. Abraham Lincoln #962, Santo Domingo, R.D. - postal Code 10148 - Phone: (829) 732-5555 | CAU: (829) 732-5555 (720)
Indotel Sitio Web
President of Indotel, Gedeón Santos, 2015
Dominican Republic with 8.79 mln mobile lines in 2015
A total of 8.79 million mobile telephone lines are in operation in the Dominican Republic at December 2015. There are 6.86 million pre-paid lines and 1.93 million are post-paid. The total was 8.70 million in November 2015, according to the official data by the Dominican Telecommunications Institute (Indotel).
Market share
Claro / Compania Dominican de Telefonos had 4.47 million mobile phone lines (4.44 million in November)
Orange Dominican/Altice with 3.58 million mobile phone lines (3.51 million in November)
Trilogy Dominican had 433,944 mobile phone lines (431,121 in November)
Tricom with 314,687 mobile phone lines (317,869 in November).
Total number of local fixed lines in operation are 1.15 million (without changes in November)
Claro / Compania Dominican de Telefonos had 800,129 fixed telephone lines (797,546 in November)
Tricom 206,174 fixed telephone lines (209,354 in November)
Trilogy Dominican with 120,308 fixed telephone lines (117,907 in November),
Skymax with 21,600 fixed telephone lines (21,698 in November)
Wind Telecom with 1,967 fixed telephone lines (1,968 in November).
IP lines totalled 154,384 (144,612 in November), of which Tricom accounted for 81,507 (77,141 in November). The number of internet accounts amounted to 4.91 million (4.71 million in November), with Compania Dominican de Telefonos/Claro (2.46 million) and Orange Dominican/Altice (2.21 million), accounting for the overwhelming majority.
The number of pay-TV subscribers (cable, IPTV, satellite, wireless) reached 674,847 (671,197 in November), of which 320,934 subscribed to Compania Dominican de Telefonos/Claro and 127,760 to Tricom.
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